Kicks are more powerful than punches but they're more difficult to land on the target. Flexibility is a factor but, there's much more to it than that. We must also have massive control of our speed, distance and timing, we must have strong limber, muscles and most important of all, we must know how to set a kick up so that our target doesn't have time to defend themselves against it. This is the true secret of Superkicking!!
Many students of the martial arts who struggle with their flexibility or are carrying old injuries write themselves off as kickers. But, that's such a shame because I have worked with thousands of martial artists and never failed to improve their technique.
The good news is that Superkicking is simple, consisting of a few easy exercises and drills that will target the key parts of kicking skill and mechanics!
In short, You can become a Superkicker, no matter your age or experience. Within a matter of weeks you will see a measurable difference or we'll give you your money back!